Monday, June 27, 2016

Mermaids' Brunch

Celebrating my first harvest of "Black Prince", a Russian Heirloom tomato.
  • 15 Pecan Nut Thins
  • Basil, chopped
  • Kalamata Olives, quartered lengthwise
  • Pepperjack Cheese, sliced.
  • Tomato, sliced
1. Ingredients Stack
2. Broil on Medium, in Family Dollar's '2-Bulb Easy Bake Oven'.
3. Top with slivered fresh tomato. Dip & Devour.


Sunday, June 26, 2016

Sunday's Goal

1. 7:04am

2. 7:15am

3. 7:39am


| 1. 7:04am || 2. 7:15am || 3. 7:39am |

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Friday, June 17, 2016

The Orlando Tango

The unlabeled bottle, in this poorly directed photo session, should be on the left of frame. The important ingredient is Pepper-Spiced Tea, a perfect complement to apricot-mango juice.

For the record, I like to watch men dancing together. [Pearl Street Warehouse, Austin TX, 1971. I wasn't het then either.]

Here's to the end of Survivor Syndrome.

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Monday, June 13, 2016

90° and Climbing

Swamp cooler switch out. It's scary.

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Chica & Kes

Chica moves to a chair when...

her cat Kes likes to cuddle.

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Silver Linings

Taken from Avenida de Mesilla, between Union and University.

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